On April 21, 2021, Rome celebrates its 2774 birthday.
The foundation of the city dates back to April 21st 753 BC.
Why is the birth of Rome celebrated on April 21?
Every year, on April 21, the Romans celebrate the Birth of Rome. An anniversary that wants to symbolically represent and celebrate the birth of the Eternal City.
It is not a religious holiday but it is a secular holiday.
Varro tells that Romulus founded Rome on April 21, 753 BC.
From this date, in fact, that the Roman chronology was calculated, with the phrase Ab Urbe condita, which means “from the foundation of the city”.
Why on April 21st?
The date of April 21 was found to have been reached by several Roman historians. A Roman physicist and mathematician, Lucio Taruzio Firmano, in the 1st century BC. calculated ‘with astrological computations the date of April 21st. Marco Velleio Patercolo also wrote in “Historiae romanae ad M. Vinicium libri duo”: “Rome was founded on April 21 on the Palatine Hill in the year of the sixth Olympiad”.
In the beginning on the same Venetian date celebrated with a feast called “Palilia”.
The first to officially recognize the birth of the Eternal City on 21 April and to celebrate it was the Emperor Claudius. In 1870, after the unification of Italy and Rome declared the capital of the new Italian nation, April 21 became an anniversary recognized by all of Italy.
The celebrations of April 21 in Rome have always been important for the Romans as it brings them back to the Greatness of the History of Rome which for about 30 Centuries has been studied, told and used for the future of the whole world.
The Christmas of Rome is usually celebrated with various events in the city and with the historical re-enactment organized by the Gruppo Storico Romano.
The Birth of Rome 2021 will be dedicated to Emperor Nero.
In the last 2 years, Covid has also upset this habit, therefore in 2021, the celebrations of the Christmas of Rome will not take place as in past years but rather, streaming from the Etruscan Museum of Rome in Valle Giulia.
For over 20 years, the Gruppo Storico Romano has been the organizer of the Christmas celebrations in Rome. The cultural association of Historical Reenactment, founded by Sergio Iacomoni, boasts a world-class following that manifests itself every year with the most loved festival by the Romans: precisely the Christmas of Rome.
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