Mercati di Traiano
Introducing the Mercati di Traiano: a testament to the ancient glory of Rome’s commercial and cultural prowess. Built during the reign of Emperor Trajan in the 2nd century AD, these markets stand as a magnificent example of Roman engineering and architecture.
Originally serving as a hub for trade and commerce, the Mercati di Traiano comprised a complex of buildings arranged around a central courtyard. Merchants from across the Roman Empire would converge here to exchange goods, creating a bustling atmosphere of economic activity.
Today, the Mercati di Traiano has been transformed into a museum, offering visitors a glimpse into the daily life of ancient Rome. Explore the archaeological remains of the markets, marvel at the intricately carved marble reliefs, and discover artifacts that illuminate the city’s rich history.
From the grandeur of Trajan’s Column to the stunning views of the Roman Forum and Colosseum, the Mercati di Traiano offers a journey back in time to the heart of the ancient world. Immerse yourself in the splendor of Rome’s past and uncover the stories hidden within these remarkable ruins.

Located on the slopes of the Quirinal Hill in Rome, the Mercati di Traiano, or Trajan’s Market, is one of the most extensive and best-preserved complexes of its kind from ancient Rome. Its construction began around 100 AD under the direction of Apollodorus of Damascus, the renowned architect of Emperor Trajan. The markets were completed around 110 AD and remained in use for centuries.
The complex consists of multiple levels of semi-circular and rectangular brick-faced concrete structures, with terraced levels adapting to the natural slope of the hillside. The lower levels housed tabernae (shops) where goods such as food, clothing, and pottery were sold, while the upper levels likely served administrative and possibly residential purposes.

One of the most striking features of the Mercati di Traiano is the vast expanse of brickwork, adorned with decorative architectural elements and sculptures. The complex also includes Trajan’s Column, a towering monument commemorating Emperor Trajan’s victories in the Dacian Wars, which stands nearby.
Today, the Mercati di Traiano is part of the Museum of the Imperial Fora (Museo dei Fori Imperiali), offering visitors the chance to explore its archaeological remains and learn about daily life in ancient Rome. Exhibits within the museum showcase artifacts found on-site, providing insights into the commercial, social, and cultural aspects of Roman society.
With its blend of history, architecture, and archaeology, the Mercati di Traiano continues to fascinate and inspire visitors from around the world, offering a window into the vibrant world of ancient Rome.