Experience virtually the beauty of art in Rome with a click
The new Virtual Tours of the Civic Museums are online.
Virtual tours of the Civic Museums
In this period marked by the global pandemic, Virtual Tours are a precious resource to allow remote museum use. But beyond the historical moment, they offer the unique opportunity of an unprecedented and highly immersive remote visit of the museum heritage.
With over 300 rooms and thousands of works, there are 8 civic museums that offer a free full-screen virtual tour enriched by images, videos, audio and informative texts. A digital experience that goes beyond spatial limits, to travel virtually, from PCs and Smartphones, to discover the beauty of the city’s museum heritage.
Thanks to new technological potentials, new multimedia content, and more accessible in use, the new virtual tours of the civic museums, updated and expanded compared to the previous version, offer, free of charge, a simulated full-screen path enriched by images, videos, and texts.
Tours of the Capitoline Museums, the Ara Pacis Museum, the Napoleonic Museum, the Trajan’s Markets – Museum of the Imperial Forums, the Casino Nobile di Villa Torlonia, the Centrale Montemartini, the Museum of Rome, and the Museum of the Walls are available both in Italian and English.
Thanks to the use of virtual reality, the most innovative technology on the market, they can also be used from any type of device, even from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, with additional supports such as special cardboard or VR viewers: an innovation that requires a simple web address and that makes them shareable on all social networks and sent via WhatsApp.
Enriched by numerous multimedia contents, with 360 ° photographs that can be navigated through a special control panel to move virtually inside the rooms, explanatory panels of the rooms and works, commands to zoom and 360 ° rotate the image, video map and more, the new Virtual tours cover almost the entire museum space.
The navigation interface also has new features: you can take advantage of the “not to be missed” section which, through a practical visual list of selected works or rooms, is a useful tool if you are new to the museum and are visiting it for the first time. Just click on the chosen work and you will be virtually transported to the room that hosts it.
The tours are also equipped with smart maps that follow you from room to room, indicating the rooms and works not yet displayed.
Finally, the Capitoline Museums, the Ara Pacis Museum, the Napoleonic Museum, the Trajan’s Markets – Museum of the Imperial Forums and the Casino Nobile of Villa Torlonia, offer a further novelty: thanks to the latest generation drones, you can take a flight to admire the rooms and the works from above, enjoying a further and unprecedented perspective of the visit.
The project is promoted by Roma Culture, the Capitoline Superintendence for Cultural Heritage, produced by Zètema Progetto Cultura and created by Skylab Studios, with the scientific direction of the Capitoline Superintendency for Cultural Heritage.
Virtual Tours are available at the following web addresses:
Capitoline Museums – tourvirtuale.museicapitolini.org
Ara Pacis Museum – tourvirtuale.arapacis.it
Napoleonic Museum – tourvirtuale.museonapoleonico.it
Trajan’s Markets – Museum of the Imperial Forum – tourvirtuale.mercatiditraiano.it
Casino Nobile di Villa Torlonia – tourvirtuale.museivillatorlonia.it
Centrale Montemartini – tourvirtuale.centralemontemartini.org
Museum of the Walls – tourvirtuale.museodellemuraroma.it
Museum of Rome – tourvirtuale.museodiroma.it