Leggere, sempre. Biblioteche di Roma e AIE insieme per la Festa del libro e del diritto d’autore
To celebrate the World Book and Copyright Day, Libraries of Rome, on its 25th birthday, in collaboration with the Italian Publishers Association (AIE), organizes in live streaming Read always, two-day festivals on 23 and 24 April dedicated to the pleasure of reading and public reading libraries. A two-day event with meetings and insights that will lead us on a journey through books, libraries and the city of Rome through numerous readings made in collaboration with Romaeuropa Festival and which is part of the Maggio dei Libri initiative, organized by the Center for the Book and Reading (CEPELL). To read the schedule of appointments click here.
“Reading, always” – says Lorenza Fruci, Councilor for Cultural Growth – is not only the beautiful title of this festival but also the reason why in all our neighborhoods there is a Library, a fundamental garrison of knowledge. Reading represents the desire to know, the possibility of discovering the world. Cultural and personal growth. The network of Libraries in Rome tells about many points of light, to ignite as many intelligences as possible. World book and copyright day is the day of all those who love to read, who believe in the exchange of thoughts between human beings, a day that celebrates freedom. ”
There are many testimonies scheduled: from the Argentine Alberto Manguel, cosmopolitan bibliophile, close to Jorge Luis Borges, to the Director of the Bodleian Library of the University of Oxford Richard Ovenden and again Marino Sinibaldi, author of the historic Fahrenheit format and President of the Center for Book and Reading; from academics Lina Bolzoni, Nadia Fusini, Letizia Muratori and Daria Galateria to writers who in recent years have conquered readers and awards all over the world: Manuel Vilas, Melania Mazzucco, Nadia Terranova and Lidia Ravera. And then many readings of texts on the book: Gustave Flaubert, Marguerite Yourcenar, Romano Guardini, Virginia Woolf, Herman Hesse, Isaac Asimov, Alberto Vigevani, Giuseppe Pontiggia and many others.
“World Book and Copyright Day – declares Vittorio Bo, Extraordinary Commissioner of the Institution of Libraries and Cultural Centers of Rome Capital – represents first of all the defense and freedom of human knowledge. For centuries, books have been the repository of the memories and stories of humanity and through them we know worlds, passions, ideas that are handed down to us to be interpreted by us and brought into our lives, to deliver them to the future. A concept clearly expressed by the recent government measures that allow bookstores and libraries to remain open, even in the red areas, establishing a principle of no small importance in our country. In other words, the fact that books, in Italy, are an essential commodity on a par with basic necessities, such as a drug or food. A cure and an edibility considered primary resources “.
“For the Libraries of Rome this year, April 23 – continues Bo – is even more significant because we are celebrating an important anniversary of our Institution, aware of the path taken with our libraries in the area and in prisons and with our BiblioPoints. With its forty libraries and a large network of associated structures, Libraries of Rome guarantees, in fact, free access to information and knowledge, reaching even the most peripheral areas of the city and constituting a garrison of culture and socialization “.
“We are particularly pleased with the collaboration with AIE also on this occasion, which further consolidates a union of intentions for the promotion of books and reading, in the sign of a common commitment to the culture and growth of our country”, concludes Bo.
“As publishers, we are happy to celebrate World Book and Copyright Day alongside an institution such as Libraries of Rome which for 25 years has brought books to every corner of our capital, the largest and most populous Italian metropolis. Together with publishers and booksellers, libraries reacted promptly during the pandemic to preserve the centrality of the book in our country and they did so by adapting their cultural offer through the enhancement of digital channels. We hope that their role will continue to be valued, as it was in 2020, by all the institutions of our country and that the financing for the purchase of books in local bookstores will be confirmed and stabilized for the coming years. proposed, requested and supported by the whole world of the book (Italian Library Association, Italian Publishers Association and Italian Booksellers Association), appreciated and imitated in Europe, which has contributed to strengthening the role of libraries and supporting demand “, says Ricard
for more info : https://www.bibliotechediroma.it/