Unseen Face Of Rome – Pasquino Rome, Italy
Probably you have heard much more than enough about Rome and its ancient heritage. But there are thousands of unknown places and undiscovered faces of eternal city that are waiting to be revealed. One of them – ancient statue, a so-called anonymous lampoon – Pasquin (Pasquino), dug up in the course of paving the Parione district and erected at the corner of Piazza di Pasquino and Palazzo Braschi (near west side of Piazza Navona) in the early XVI century.
Shortly after the discovery of the sculpture the new tradition was born. It became the custom for those who wanted to criticize the pope or individuals in his government. The sculptures had become a symbol of a personal verbal attack – the people used to write satirical poems in broad Roman dialect and attach them to this statue. Nowadays this sculpture is also called “the first talking sculpture of Rome”, representing dissatisfaction of the whole nation.
The authorities of the nation could not stand this armless attack and therefore some actions were taken. The authorities settled for posting guards by the statue to prevent the posting of more commentary. As a result, the public turned to other statues, who had become the symbols of a free speech: Marforio (at the Musei Capitolini), Madame Lucrezia (Piazza San Marco), Abbot Luigi (Piazza Vidoni), Il Babuino (Sant’Atanasio dei Greci), and Il Facchino (Via Lata).
Although some centuries have passed but the sculptures haven’t lost their importance. Today dozen of messages are attached to Pasquino, with Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi often a target. Experiencing Rome is to experience the history of its society. It is worth knowing that unknown face of Rome. Take a trip to discovery.
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